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Click It or Ticket

Click It or Ticket (CIOT) is the most successful seat belt enforcement campaign ever, helping to increase the national seat belt usage rate. Coast to coast, day or night, the message is simple - Click It or Ticket. 


During the annual Memorial Day Weekend holiday period, law enforcement agencies join forces day and night, from coast-to-coast, for an enforcement blitz that delivers on our message Click It or Ticket. The mobilization is supported by national and local paid advertising and earned media campaigns aimed at raising awareness before the blitz. Outside of this special enforcement period, law enforcement conducts year round enforcement for seatbelt use.


Each year the state of West Virginia is required to conduct an "Observational Seatbelt Survey Use" study in June. The past 10 years of the states seatbelt use rate are shown below in the data chart. To find out more data about occupant protection studies and data for West Virginia, please visit the NHTSA website at

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